The Royal Enfield Story - Royal Enfield Books

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Royal Enfield Books
The Royal Enfield Story
Peter Hartley
Royal Enfield Early history and model development
For many years out of print, we are proud to have recently republished this excellent book to a very high standard.

Written in 1980, Peter Hartley's work focuses on the technical innovations of the Redditch company, boldly proclaiming that "The Enfield Cycle Company fostered an expertise in cycle development and manufacture which came to epitomise all that was good about British motorcycle engineering."
Although the company's endeavours from WWII until 1970 are covered in detail, this book is most valuable for its analysis of Royal Enfields built between 1900 and 1939, with 65 pages dedicated to this veteran and vintage era, including information on many V-twin, 2-stroke and racing machines.

Hardback, 18 x 24.5cm, 128 Pages. £19.95
Royal Enfield Books 2019
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