Hit The Road Jac! - Royal Enfield Books

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Royal Enfield Books
Hit the road Jac!
Seven years, twenty countries, no plan.
Jacqui Furneaux
Our copies have been signed by the author.

Author Jacqui Furneaux says, "I have found that all I need in life is the right attitude. And what can be comfortably carried on an Enfield."

This book should be read by anyone still holding back from taking a risk and pursuing their dreams. When her conventional life fell apart, Jacqui Furneaux responded in a way that surprised many. Seven years of random global wanderings astride a Royal Enfielkd Bullet foillowed. Her journey brought beauty, friendship, laughter and romance on the road when she wasn't fending off amorous sea dogs or facing some other adversity with quiet courage.
"An ex-nurse and a long time motorcyclist, Jacqui Furneaux left the UK in 2000 and travelled by plane to India where she collected a brand new 500cc Royal Enfield Bullet. She was fifty years old. What followed was a daring, scary, comedic, romantic, stubborn, dramatic, violent, death-defying and often lonely journey armed with her obvious wit, her natural resilience, yards of self-reliance, a bag of tools, a spare can of petrol, a few changes of clothes, around £300 per month and a large knife." (Sump)

Paperback, 21 x 14cm, 334 Pages including 8 pages of colour photographs. £9.99
Readers' Reviews
Her words reminded me of myself as a child, being inventive, imaginative and at times pretty cheeky to get what I wanted. Though clearly tough and dangerous at times, her journey seemed to create joy, a self made joy. Nothing better. I'm a huge fan of her trip, it's made me think...... I bet it will make you think too....!" SUZI PERRY
"Read this and you'll want to go on an adventure. Jacqui's tale is not just obviously inspiring, but her story makes you think about the pleasures of nature and simplicity; about taking the time to just stand and breathe life in, something we all quite wrongly think we don't have the time for.
Royal Enfield Books 2019
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